I'm currently altering some of the story, so please be patient!


Behind The Scenes

Meet The Cast

Chapter One: Bruises That Won't Heal

Chapter Two: Disbelieving, That's The Real Crime!

Chapter Three: What Happened To Your Good Sense?

Chapter Four: Bored of the dance, I laugh in spite of myself

Chapter 5: We Wanna Be Your Imaginary Friend!

Chapter Six: A Buncha Stuff That Happened Next

Chapter Seven: The Awful Truth

Chapter Eight: Hey! This chapters in the past! Sweeeet

Chapter Nine: Going To Cat Jail To Talk To That Old Lady

Chapter 10: But They Will Visit You Occasionally- Do Not Be Afraid.

Chapter 11: See How The Heart Plays Profound. (See How He Lies!-)

Chapter Twelve: The Days That Followed Chapter Ten and 11

Chapter 13: No Alarms And No Surprises


Notes & Fun Facts